Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to customise leather jackets

Leather jackets are essential to a punk style or maybe a gothic style. Either way leather jackets are important an they add a nice touch to an outfit.

Rather than (or as well as) fully painting your jacket you can customise it with detailed designs. If you are artistically gifted, great - let your imagination run wild and set to work creating a wearable work of art. If you are, err... not so much gifted as enthusiastic, there are simpler ways to customise leather jackets than by freehand artistry. For instance:
*Band names and lyrics can be scrawled on the back or all over.
*Graffiti can be copied
*As well as tattoos
To hand paint a stencil, you can simply tape your stencil design into place on the leather jacket and carefully paint into it - it helps if the stencil's on a thick bit of cardboard and if the stencil design itself has clean, defined edges.
Here's a handy alternate method for transferring stencils from paper to jacket:

You don't have any ideas for stencils?
And if you are artistic and you can copy stencils you could use these:

And last but not least SPIKES!
You will all agree that spiked jackets are the best! Well, now you can transform your regular leather jacket into a spiked one!
That's the way:
Hope you find them helpful!

*Videos from Mookychick*
