Friday, February 4, 2011

Massive OC Banning?

If you don't know what OC is, it's OriginalClub on Stardoll. The first, and most popular club in Stardoll. I had a bit of a status over there (such as being well-known over there). On Feb. 4, approx. 1:30 a.m. in Pacific time. There was a massive banning. Topics were being deleted while popular members were getting banned. Unfortunately, I was one of them. I didn't even do anything. They just banned me. Many people were blaming Mette.Stardoll for this mess, but one thing everyone has noticed is that she's not even manager anymore. It couldn't be the club owner Robin because he RARELY bans people, and he would've posted a warning topic. People say it was stardoll-admin, but if it was them, Mette.Stardoll would still be manager since she's admin herself. And they wouldn't ban innocent members.
Who do YOU think did this?


  1. I can't think anyone apart from Stardoll...When you say the banned people you mean "regular" people or just goth, punks and metalheads? Because if that's so then it's just a discrimination! -.-

  2. FML, I really hope I haven't been banned... :/
    Stardoll won't even let me log in right now, on ANY of my accounts, so I can't check. If I have been banned, I'm gonna be seriously pissed. And I REFUSE to move to FC. Just, no.

  3. Okay, I finally logged in. I'm not banned, but everyone's talking about it.

  4. Any member in general, although OC is unfortunately known as a "wemo" club.

    And most OCer's moved to FC

  5. It actually sucks so hard. Plus there's no managers now, and Robin's never online, so no one's gonna be able to get in.
