Sunday, September 4, 2011

MSW is approaching.

The worst of the worst is approaching, where you get nothing but a crapload of spam, unwanted attention, and blank friend requests if you won. There is an upside to this though, winning stardollars and SS membership up to a year can't go bad, right? If you want to win that badly, here's a few tips.

  • Create suites that is different from everyone else. I mean create stuff out of simple objects. Ruth-Sechmet is often known for her suites like that.
  • Create one-of-a-kind medolls. Not the ones you see the elites wearing, but the ones who makes masks out of the Sunny Bunny contacts.
  • Don't spam or ask for votes. People get very irritated with that and not to mention, those people are most likely running for MSW also. Instead, visit people's suites, be active in clubs, and save your medoll in your album a whole bunch of times.
  • Have an interesting presentation. Tell us a bit about yourself and your personality instead of posting "Hi, I'm Ellie and I like Slipknot, don't repost this and you'll have a ghost visiting your room...."
I hope this helps you in the near future. Good luck. :D


  1. id love the free membership... but i heard you also get a freipod, which means handing out your adress, then youd get spam in youterbox a well as al the emails.

  2. I hope someone interesting wins this year...
