Monday, July 25, 2011

Steampunk Fashion DIY Tips

steampunk fashionWell, I thought that writing only about Stardoll is tiring so I thought I could provide you with some tips that you could use in real life and that would help you achieve a Steampunk look. 

  • Simply adding lace to the edge of a collar is one of the easiest ways to add class to something. 
  • Changing out the buttons for more interesting ones ( brass buttons for example) is an easy task too.
  • For a more distressed look you may experiment with burning fabric (caution though) or rubbing tea or coffee grounds into fabric. That way the fabric will get a gritty, Steampunk feel.
  • If you want to have an Emilie-Autumn look you can take any sharp item (anything!) and rip away. Tattered skirts with petticoats can make you look like Emilie Autumn.
For Victorian accesories you may:

  • clean old keys and cogs and use them as necklaces.
  • shred/burn/rub with coffee or tea scarves. They can be tied in the style of an ascot or around your waist as a belt.
  • Little apothecary bottles are perfect. You can put dead moths, feathers, spider webs, little love notes or glitter.

And if you fancy hats then you can always experiment on them too by adding lace, feathers or ribbons. 

Big Victorian hats are astonishing if you have the guts to weat them in public. If you don't then you can also wear mini-hats. The ones that look like little plates or tea cups on yur head.
And never leave the house without a corset...

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